  Public Ticket #2285421
video wont play


  • hawkweasel started the conversation

    I uploaded an mp4 video to my library for a client. Now I'm trying to post the video on my page and it doesnt work with the video player. If I use a video lightbox, the video shows up when you press play, but I just want the video to show on the page. Im new so I may be doing something wrong, but i cant figure out what it is?

    This is what i get:

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi hawkweasel,

    Right now there seems to be an issue with the video player and links to mp4 file do not work.

    What you can do is add that shortcode you see in front end e.g.

    [video src="" /]

    to a text block element's page editor in. Make sure the page editor in the text block is in text mode not visual.

    By text block element we mean the element by that name in the page builder.
    With that you will have your video show up on the front end.

    Hope this helps.