  Public Ticket #229928
Background color of Icon


  • Abdul Latheef started the conversation

    How do I change the background color of the icon as well as the color of the icon iteself?

    On another note, the documentation does not contain all information, and people in countries with low internet speeds cannot view the videos to resolve all queries. Your support agent (Mr. Tahir) is extremely discourteous when answering queries...he said support is not a 'customization service'. Let me point out that we do not purchase these themes to upload them as is and just edit the textual content. No, we also edit (a.k.a customize) elements of the theme so as to suit our tastes.

    If you cannot offer this kind of support, then why bother selling such themes in the first place. If you are not interested, please refund my amount. There are other themes with better support.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Abdul, without seeing a page URL I'm not sure as to what icon you're referring to - if you mean the icon shortcode, I'll need to know which size you're using as they all have different css connected with them. Also, if you are indeed talking about the icon shortcode - do you need a color outside of the color set you've defined in the accent color options tab in the Salient options panel?
