Looking for detailed steps on how to have a different selection of my background photo display on mobile views as opposed to desktop. My image subject is off-center and appears out of frame when you view on mobile devices.
We could not load your site as its behind a coming soon page. Could you maybe give us access and specifics of what part of you site you are referring to. If its a page then give us a link to it we see if we something that is possible.
Looking for detailed steps on how to have a different selection of my background photo display on mobile views as opposed to desktop. My image subject is off-center and appears out of frame when you view on mobile devices.
Hi Cokimco,
We could not load your site as its behind a coming soon page.
Could you maybe give us access and specifics of what part of you site you are referring to. If its a page then give us a link to it we see if we something that is possible.