  Public Ticket #231730
404, menu and footer


  • Terry started the conversation

    Hi Guys,

    First thing - the theme is well written and easy to use, well done.

    I have a few things that I need assistance on:

    1) What is the best way to create a 404 page in the same style page style. 

    2) Adding a privacy and terms of use to the footer.php, I can add it under the copyright notice, but would be good if it was copyright (few spaces)Privacy(few spaces) Terms

    3) The menu, can the dropdown background and the text colour be changed, current I have a accent colour of red and red on black is not great.



  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Terry!

    Thank you for the kind words.


    1) There already exists a 404 page in the theme folder. Please make your edits to it if you wish to customize it. 

    2) You can try adding a span tag and then giving it some width via custom css.

    3) Yes that is possible by using the Header color scheme option in Salient Theme Optiosn -> Header section. See screenshot for ref: http://prntscr.com/3tbj6w .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Terry replied

    Thanks for the info,

    I used a plugin to redirect the 404 error to the homepage

    Also put the text for the privacy policy link into the footer copyright field and seems to work fine.
