I've built out a template with a few toggles panel sections. On the template, I've used the following:
Separator with Text
Toggle Panels (6 Panels)
Highlighted Text - Does not work
Regular Color Type, H3, Text is in italics, Regular Underline
Text Block
Highlighted Text - Does not work
Regular Color Type, H4, Text is in italics, Regular Underline
Text Block
Highlighted Text - Reg Color Type, H5, Text is in italics, Reg Underline
Highlighted Text - Reg Color Type, H4, Text is in italics, Fancy Underline
Highlighted Text - Reg Color Type, H3, Txt is in italics, Full Txt BG Cover
In the "Law Reference" Toggle Panel the highlighted text will not display with any combination of settings. Are toggle panels able to display highlighted text? If not is there a workaround? Is the special character an issue?
I've been able to get highlighted text to display outside the toggle panels on this template so I know in theory they are working and my settings are fine.
I'm also not sure why H3 is displaying differently in the toggle panel than if it was in it's own row. Of the two Highlighted Text sections in the toggle panel, why is the H3 one smaller than the H4 one?
I'm also not sure why H3 is displaying differently in the toggle panel than if it was in it's own row. Of the two Highlighted Text sections in the toggle panel, (though they don't work technically) why is the H3 one smaller than the H4 one?
The toggle Title is also wrapped in a H3 which is why its different . Try adjusting the "Heading 3" and "Heading 4" field in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Typography Section .
That makes sense. I'll see if I can make that swap but I think some other elements of the site are using the other headings so I'll have to check. Thanks,
I've built out a template with a few toggles panel sections. On the template, I've used the following:
In the "Law Reference" Toggle Panel the highlighted text will not display with any combination of settings. Are toggle panels able to display highlighted text? If not is there a workaround? Is the special character an issue?
I've been able to get highlighted text to display outside the toggle panels on this template so I know in theory they are working and my settings are fine.
I'm also not sure why H3 is displaying differently in the toggle panel than if it was in it's own row. Of the two Highlighted Text sections in the toggle panel, why is the H3 one smaller than the H4 one?
Appreciate any insight you can provide. Thanks!
Hey Again,
Yes the Tabs/Toggle Panels cant have any such dynamic content in them as its a Technical Limitation .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thanks Tahir,
I'm also not sure why H3 is displaying differently in the toggle panel than if it was in it's own row. Of the two Highlighted Text sections in the toggle panel, (though they don't work technically) why is the H3 one smaller than the H4 one?
Hey Again,
The toggle Title is also wrapped in a H3 which is why its different . Try adjusting the "Heading 3" and "Heading 4" field in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Typography Section .
ThemeNectar Support Team
That makes sense. I'll see if I can make that swap but I think some other elements of the site are using the other headings so I'll have to check. Thanks,
Sure let us know if you need any custom css for particular elements.
ThemeNectar Support Team