Hi, this is the default image of Open Graph and as you can see is a image of your demo. I have already Yoast Seo configured. But somehing is not working, because the demo image is in the og protocol of facebook.
Could we maybe get a link to the page please we see the metadata added to the page by yoast seo plugin. Also it might be cached on facebook and you need to fetch the URL a new here https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
Hi, this is the default image of Open Graph and as you can see is a image of your demo. I have already Yoast Seo configured. But somehing is not working, because the demo image is in the og protocol of facebook.
og:imageHi basquenet,
Could we maybe get a link to the page please we see the metadata added to the page by yoast seo plugin.
Also it might be cached on facebook and you need to fetch the URL a new here https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/