I want to trigger a page transition 'manually' - that is, with JS/Jquery...
When someone clicks a form button I want to bring up your page transition white page/spinning icon until my script has completed, effectively locking the user 'out of' my page until the script is complete. Your page transition is perfect - but can it be triggered with a JS call?
I want to trigger a page transition 'manually' - that is, with JS/Jquery...
When someone clicks a form button I want to bring up your page transition white page/spinning icon until my script has completed, effectively locking the user 'out of' my page until the script is complete. Your page transition is perfect - but can it be triggered with a JS call?
Hey Again,
Yes you can simply set the Loading div to "display:block" using css . See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/rfrg88 .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Amazing support as always Tahir. Thanks.