  Public Ticket #232921
color overlay and image for column background


  •  10
    Ellison started the conversation

    Hi - I am trying to figure out how to have a background image with a color overlay, like you have in several places on the demo. When I add an image and a color, only the image shows up, no matter what I make the opacity. (I am speaking of content background, not site background.) 


  •  9,016
    Tahir replied

    Hey Ellison!

    You have to set the background color on the column . Please see screenshot for ref: http://prntscr.com/3u0d0l


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  10
    Ellison replied

    Of course...I forget that there are two levels of control. This template is amazing. Thank you!

  •  10
    Ellison replied

    Hi...sorry...I had success one time trying this, but now I'm trying to do it again and not having luck. Here is a screen shot. 

    Basically, I created a row, in two columns. I put a background pic on that row and chose full-width content.

    Then I put a row in the first column and a text block in that row. I tried to add color overlay here and only got the options you see in the screenshot.


  •  9,016
    Tahir replied

    Hey Ellison!

    If the option is not there i am afraid you cant create that type of layout :) . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  10
    Ellison replied

    Sorry - I realized that I didn't have the most recent version installed on this site. (We are using on a few sites.) All is well now!