  Public Ticket #2347281
Image Gallery - lightbox


  •  11
    RanebrookZina started the conversation


    I have set a couple of image galleries in one page. When you click on the image, it opens a lightbox. It all works and great, but I noticed that in the light box you can see all images, not just from this gallery I've set. Not sure how to explain it more accurate. For example I have 2 galleries. One is for windows, another one for doors. But when I click on the gallery image and open the large image in lightbox, I get all the pictures together - and windows and doors. But I need to show only the pictures that are in this particular gallery, so only windows when I click on the window gallery; doors - door gallery.  Could you help with it, please?  

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try using the FancyBox Lightbox Library in here :  http://prntscr.com/rrteaj  and check.


    ThemeNectar Support Team