  Public Ticket #235284
Identical sites but on one slider is not working


  • Bas started the conversation

    Hell everyone,

    Help greatly appreciated before I lose  my mind.

    I created a website with a video header. It can be seen working here:


    I have migrated the site to:


    Identical sites, yet the video header does not work in the second instance?

    Why is that? All settings are the same?

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Bas!

    Please make sure the mime video types are added in the other domains .htaccess file. See Section 3.1 Troubleshooting Video Backgrounds in the user guide : http://themenectar.com/docs/salient.pdf .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Bas replied

    Hi Tahir,

    Thanks for helping out. Unfortunately it didn't work. No results. It should also be noted that both site locations are hosted by the same hosting company.

    Moreover, the videos also play properly within Wordpress when editing/viewing them.

    I'm having the same issue with adding a image header. I can't get that to work either?

    Here it works: http://www.ellevation.com.au/sanli/services/commer...
    Here it doesn't: http://www.sanliscaffolding.com.au/services/reside...

    Any ideas what is going on?

    Are the headers obscured by something? Are they behind a white background or something?


  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Bas!

    In your scaffolding site the nectar-slider.js is not complete . Please try replacing that file . See screenshot for ref: http://prntscr.com/3vycw8 .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Bas replied

    Thank you, re-uploading the theme solved my issues. Apparently some corrupted files.

