Can I use php inside the Raw HTML element? Any php I put in there gets commented out when I inspect the live page. I'd like to use a php include to make dev much easier and have more options.
If I can use php include, what's the relative path I should use?
It is not possible to write php into raw html element. PHP is a server side programming language hence you cannot view on inspect element. What would you like to achieve which is not available using page builder? Modifying theme files or using function.php file can add more functionality to theme. You will do that on your own as it is beyond scope of support.
Thanks Andrew. I wrote code for displaying custom posts in ways Salient doesn't. It requires php. Page builder is amazing but doesn't cover every scenario. I've used the function.php to insert shortcodes but of course inserted shortcodes won't accept php in page either.
Can I mix Salient with Page Attribute Templates? Or can I add php to a div that renders to html before it's inserted into the page?
Can I use php inside the Raw HTML element? Any php I put in there gets commented out when I inspect the live page. I'd like to use a php include to make dev much easier and have more options.
If I can use php include, what's the relative path I should use?
Hi there,
It is not possible to write php into raw html element. PHP is a server side programming language hence you cannot view on inspect element. What would you like to achieve which is not available using page builder? Modifying theme files or using function.php file can add more functionality to theme. You will do that on your own as it is beyond scope of support.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Andrew. I wrote code for displaying custom posts in ways Salient doesn't. It requires php. Page builder is amazing but doesn't cover every scenario. I've used the function.php to insert shortcodes but of course inserted shortcodes won't accept php in page either.
Can I mix Salient with Page Attribute Templates? Or can I add php to a div that renders to html before it's inserted into the page?