  Public Ticket #2370099
Activate animations on mobile


  •  2
    Kecco started the conversation

    Hi, I have different kinds of animations through my website. Looks like no one works on mobile.

    Is there any way to activate them?

    For example in this page essentialpower.cl/comprar the two headings are sliding in, but not on mobile.

    On the homepage I have different images fading in and animations in buttons but they don't work on mobile.

    Thanks for helping out!

  •  1,098
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey keccosaiusmile.png

    There was an option added to enable animations on mobile devices in the recent release, version 12: http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html

    Once you've updated, you'll find the relevant option located in the Salient options panel > general settings > functionality tab.


  •  2
    Kecco replied

    Awesome thanks