Since you're using a third party plugin for your menu, you'll need to remove the default Salient menu. Add this into the custom css box located in the Salient options panel > general settings > css/script related tab:
@media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
body #header-outer[data-format="menu-left-aligned"] .row .col.span_9 {
display: none;
When in mobile view we are seeing two menus one on top of the other, and the main menu has another menu inside it when you open it
Screenshot of issue
Hey hzavery1,
Since you're using a third party plugin for your menu, you'll need to remove the default Salient menu. Add this into the custom css box located in the Salient options panel > general settings > css/script related tab:
We added that code and it doesn't seem to be working?
Disregard. It was cached.
Cleared cache now working perfectly thanks!