  Public Ticket #243650
fr_FR translation


  • Maxime started the conversation

    Hi guys, 

    First a great thanks for this awesome theme. Even greater job with frostwave !

    I wonder if there is a french .po file somewhere. Because a lot of customer are coming from France, and theses peoples are not very comfortable with english.

    If there is nothing yet, maybe I can help you. 

    I usually translate the awesome Advanced Custom Fields plugin to French. 

    Visual composer is translated in your theme but it's terrible :

    the translators misspelled "add row" and translated it in french as it was "add now" so usual users doesn't understand a thing when they try to create something with visual composer. 

    Thank you for reading.



    WP developer - speaker - blogger in France


    Ps : please answer me at [email protected] because my facebook mail is just for spam

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Maxime! Just sent an email :)
