  Public Ticket #2445052
Bug causing content on the page to doubles and breaking the layout


  • Aug started the conversation

    I'm having an issue with editing posts from the past.
    I've installed Salient theme already since a couple of weeks and I had to fix many issues concerning the layout of the articles when moving from my previous theme to Salient.

    The pages could work properly when removing comments like these ones:

    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} -->

    What I notice, though, is that these comments are popping back randomly, or so it seems, causing some posts to break when being edited.

    Sometimes the layour breaks only due to extra spaces <p>&nsbp;</p> some other time the entire content of the image is duplicated, the second of which with a completely broken layout.

    We only use classic mode and WP Bakery page builder.

    Hope you know the issue or can help, thank you in advance!

  •  9,058
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    The Gutenberg Editor won't work with Salient as we already have a Page Builder available. You can turn it off in here: 5205442819.png


    ThemeNectar Support Team