  Public Ticket #2448194
Email Icon Link in Mobile Flyout Menu Not Working


  • TanyaPalazzo started the conversation

    E-mail icon Link is not working correctly and opens to the home page rather than to an email.  I would prefer it to open a new window.

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Tanya,

    Setting email and phone like shown below will work correctly. Do that in Salient > Social Media to avoid being opened as link:


    Hope this helps.

  • TanyaPalazzo replied

    Hi there.

    Email is resolved with below.  Telephone is not resolved.  I have entered the following into the telephone field for the icon: tel:18333444434

    The phone number is: (833)344-4434.

    Is it the format?  Can you please advise?  Thanks so much!

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Tanya,

    Can you share a screenshot of where you set that. It should be able to work. The one we share in the last reply works on header. You can also apply the same on menu.


    Kind regards.

  • TanyaPalazzo replied

    See attached for social media field value in Salient back-end.  I am also including the footer text screenshot for the phone as well.  Neither is working correctly. 

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Tanya,

    The phone number in the footer seems to be working on my end. It opens on new page. Try checking on browser incognito or try using a different device.


    Open in new tab



  • TanyaPalazzo replied

    Thank you!  Working on my side as well. THANKS!