  Public Ticket #245791
Widget Blog and Page the same


  • Percy started the conversation

    Dear Theme Nectar,

    I have a question about the sidebars on the blog roll and on the pages.

    Is it possible that the sidebar for the blog is the same as the Page sidebar? Now i have two widgets areas, one for the blogroll and one for the pages. But when a widgets changes i have to chanhe it two times, one time for the blog sidebar and one time for the pages sidebar.

    Difficult to explain this simple issue haha. I hope you understand me.

    Thanks for the help and for a great theme.



  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Percy!

    This would indeed be possible - you'd just have to modify the sidebar.php file to make the blog and page sidebar output the same sidebar. The template file should be very easy to understand since it's short and would just require you to replace:

    dynamic_sidebar('Page Sidebar');
    dynamic_sidebar('Blog Sidebar');

    Cheers :)

  • Percy replied

    Hi! Thank you for the reply, its working. You made my day haha.

    Greetings from the Netherlands,
