  Public Ticket #2458423
URL embed not working


  •  2
    XtraMark started the conversation

    I am trying to embed this link to display content inside a web  page.

    Here is the link I am trying to embed: https://mcrnm.catylist.com/jsp/search/results.jsp?propertyType=12&propertyType=49&propertyType=17&propertyType=10&propertyType=28&propertyType=43&propertyType=5&propertyType=52&locationQuery=New+Mexico&size_min=&size_max=&size_units=5602&numberOfUnits_min=&numberOfUnits_max=&saleOnly=Search+Sale#p=1,50|s=CITY,0|c=search2:true;state:USA/7CNM;propertyType:;subtype:;43_subtype:All;5_subtype:All;52_subtype:All;12_subtype:All;49_subtype:All;17_subtype:All;28_subtype:All;10_subtype:All;saleOnly:1;groupSuites:1;|ac=StreetAddress,Keyword,Location:[{country/3A%22USA%22/2Cstate/3A%22NM%22/2CstateName/3A%22New%20Mexico%22}],PropertyType,UseType,SalePrice,LeasePrice,Size,SaleLease,NumberOfUnits|gs=1|h=|tl=Page%201|hid=0|

    When I use the embed option using blocks, it says "This block contains unexpected or invalid content"

    is there a different way to create an iframe so the link will display on the web page?

    Thanks for your help!

  •  9,058
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try adding it using a "Text Block" Page Builder Element or "Raw HTML" Page Element: 



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  2
    XtraMark replied

    I tried adding the URL we need to embed as both a raw html and as a text. Neither are loading the content from the embedded web link. Pictures attached of both the Baker Builder set ups and the public facing results.

    Is there anything else I can try?

  •  9,058
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try using a Iframe embed method and not a url link . Do they offere other embed options. Did you have a look at their docs ?. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team