  Public Ticket #2466679
Revolution Slider with Header Permanent Transparent


  • oswaldopz started the conversation

    Hi... I love your template, and I am learning a lot,  I am using Header Permanent Transparent and works perfect across the website but on the slider revolution is dark mode so possible have my Header Light when is over a slider revolution ? 


  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Use the following custom css in Salient > General settings > CSS/Script related:

    .revaddonblurfilter_rs-310 rs-sbg, .revaddonblurfilter_rs-310 .slot {
        filter: none;

    Hope this helps.

  • oswaldopz replied

    Thanks Andrew thanks for your help but only changed 2 seconds and then returns to the dark color. 

  • oswaldopz replied

    By the way I have activated the Fullscreen Rows, just in case is another problem to affect the color on the logo. Thanks!

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi oswaldopz,

    Upload a light logo on header starting logo.



  • oswaldopz replied

    I am sorry but that is not the problem because I already have that logo.

  • oswaldopz replied

    Sorry to insist the same question I just realize the icons at the top and the icons for the full screen rows are in dark as well. so please I hope you can find a css code to add many only on that row where I placed the revolution slider to force it to make it Light 

  • oswaldopz replied

    I already resolve the problem, I just chance the color text on the row properties. Thanks for your help.