  Public Ticket #2468308
flickity dash color


  • jeff started the conversation

    Hi there

    I'm using the salient them to build a site and am having an issue changing the colour of the  'dash' colour beneath the image gallery (flickity).

    I've found lots of online help suggesting various configurations of the following lines of code (i'm using simple css).  

    .flickity-page-dots .dot {

    background-color: #3bd4ad !important;

    background: #3bd4ad !important;

    color: #3bd4ad !important;


    ... but this is changing the colour of the the ENTIRE dash area and NOT just the dash itself.

    Wondering if I'm missing something (most likely!) very simple?

    Thanks so much in advance


  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jeff,

    Use the following custom css:

    .flickity-page-dots .dot:before {
        background: red;

    Hope this helps.

  • jeff replied

    Thanks for getting back Andrew

    Alas that didn't work but, for anyone with the same issue I found this out there on the interweb that did:

    .nectar-flickity[data-controls="pagination"] .flickity-page-dots .dot:before {
        background: #3bd4ad;
    .nectar-flickity[data-controls="pagination"] .flickity-page-dots .dot.is-selected:before {
        background: #3bd4ad;

    Cheers again for the assist though
