  Public Ticket #2475908
WeChat & Skype not found under Social Media button


  • nahhyan started the conversation


    In social media setup, I can get various social media icon except WeChat & Skype. Please have a look on the matter and provide me those 2 icon as I need those in my social media footer for business.

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied


    If those icons are available in the FontAwesome Icon Library then they can be replaced easily by changing the css codes  .

    You can find the icons that are available here : http://uncmn.wpengine.com/wp-content/themes/salient/css/font-awesome.min.css?ver=4.6.4  and check here as well : https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&q=wechat&m=free . 


  • nahhyan replied

    Hi Dear Andrew,

    I have purchased the theme with 12 months support. I don't understand about code. So can you support team do that for me like give the feature of Whatsapp and Skype as social media option in footer as I have sent you the screenshot attachment ?

    Thank you.

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

     Hey Again,

    Please set up two other social icons so i can write up custom css to replace them to WeChat and Skype .


  • nahhyan replied

    Hello Andrew,

    Thanks for your intention to help. I have set 2 social icons "Slack Icon" and "Artstation Icon" in footer of contact page. Please change them into "WeChat" and "Skype" icon.

    My site address is JS Solution.

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Use the following custom css in Salient > General settings > CSS/Script related:

    .fa-slack:before {
        content: "\f17e" !important;
    .icon-salient-artstation:before {
        content: "\f1d7" !important;
        font-family: fontawesome;

    Hope this helps.

  • nahhyan replied


    I have set and got 50% ok, got the skype icon but doesn't show WeChat icon(Screenshot is in attachment). And can you tell me how I can set those icon like that when a user will click on theat icon it will redirect on Skype or WeChat apps ?

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    I have updated the recently sent css. Can you copy again.


  • nahhyan replied


    Thank you very much for the help. I have copy again and paste. Now both of the icon shows clearly.

  • nahhyan replied

    Dear Andrew,

    Can you advice me, how I can set those icon like that when a user will click on those both icon from mobile, it will redirect on Skype or WeChat apps ?

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    You need to set the links in Salient > Social media. Enter full urls



  • nahhyan replied


    Thank you very much. I will disturb you if I face any more issue and if you don't mind.

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Feel free to let us know in case you need further help.
