  Public Ticket #2482509
Parallax effect


  •  3
    Steven started the conversation


    I'd love to replicate the parallax type effect as shown in the example URL, where the content fades in over the background image on scroll.

    How could this be achieved using the WPBakery page builder?

    My HTML and CSS knowledge is intermediate and I know basic JS.

  •  9,058
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    The fade effect would have to be custom coded however we do have some Parallax Page Layouts available in the Salient Studio : http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/salient-studio/ . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  3
    Steven replied

    Hi Tahir,

    I have managed to achieve the effect using a jQuery library, however, when included sitewide, it causes a conflict with the homepage video banner.

    Is there any way to include jQuery on the entire site without it conflicting with Salient?

    Working example: https://clone.spaciotempo.co.uk/culture/

    username: admin.clone.spacio

    password: rVgXfha41%z6Ohkw

  •  1,098
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Steven,

    Could you elaborate further on what the conflict is with the home page header? Checking out your script, it seems you've added a separate function for the home page which doesn't trigger the effect until 800px have been scrolled.

  •  3
    Steven replied

    As you have realised, I have now solved this issue. Thank you.