  Public Ticket #2485516
Blog Posts Not Centered on Page


  • Doirecity1_1983 started the conversation

    I have been struggling with this issue over the past two days. When the page width is below 3000px (shrinking the browser window) all blog posts on the page show up centered, but when the page width is over 3000px (stretching the browser window) all blog posts on the page are no longer centered and are on the left side of the page. Is there anyway to control this within Salient or would you have any idea what setting affects this? I've been checking in the row and column settings while editing the page and also analyzing the HTML and CSS code when resizing the browser width below and above 3000px and still haven't been able to isolate what the difference is.

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Use the following custom css in Salient > General settings > CSS/Script related:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1000px){
       .posts-container {
        margin-left: 10vw;

    Hope this helps.

  • Doirecity1_1983 replied

    Thanks for replying Andrew. Although this CSS did move the blog posts closer to the center, it wasn't truly centered. But your response forced me to do more digging and I ended up finding the problem and fixed it. While editing the blog page, in the blog element 'Row Settings > General' I had "Type" set to "Full Width Content", so I changed it to "Full Width Background" and that solved my problem. So you indirectly helped set me on the right path to figuring it out. So thanks!