  Public Ticket #2486329
Site crash


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    Robey started the conversation

    Hey Tahir,

    Out of a sudden the website crashed. Many elements are not showing anymore. For example there was a video on the homepage and a lot of text. The same goes for all the other pages. Nothing is showing anymore. I tried deactivating all the plugins and activating them manually but didn't work. I didn't add any extra CSS (except for the one you have me to disable the nectar love button). I am not sure how this happened? The only thing I could think of was the moment when I was trying to remove the 'website' box at the comment section. At this time I was editing the comment.php section in the theme files. The thing is that I copied the whole comment.php file before I started editing it, so that if something happened like this I would have a back-up. I did paste back the original file, but the site is still the same. Could you please help? I even extended my support for this :). By the way you guys totally deserve it because the support and the theme are the best I ever worked with on wordpress!

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    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Robey,

    Could you please provide the password to access the URL as well as a temporary admin account so that I can take a look at the backend?

    Thanks in advancesmile.png

  •   Robey replied privately
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    ThemeNectar replied

    No problem, Robeysmile.png

    I found the issue and have corrected it. In the salient/js/init.js file there was a syntax error - namely a missing single quotation mark. Did you make any edits to that file recently?


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    Robey replied

    Nice! The website is working like normal again :).

    That's weird. I don't remember editing anything over there. Maybe by mistake. Thanks for fixing it so quick tho :)

    Another question: Is there a easy way to remove the 'website box' at the bottom of the comment sections?

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    ThemeNectar replied

    Glad I could helpsmile.png

    To hide that, you could add this into the custom css box located in the Salient options panel > general settings > css/script related tab:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1000px) {
    .comment-respond .span_4 {
      width: 49%;
    .comment-respond .span_4:nth-child(2) {
     marign-right: 0;
    .comment-respond .col_last {
  •  1
    Robey replied

    It worked perfectly, thanks :)

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    ThemeNectar replied

    You're welcomesmile.png