  Public Ticket #2508952
Remove text transformation


  •  1
    Robey started the conversation


    I would like to remove the text transformation on the titles of the footer widgets.  They are now capitalised, but I would like to remove that. I created the footers at Customizer -> Widgets -> Footer area. Where can I reach the option to change the text transformation for them?

    Kind regards,


  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Robey,

    Adjust the following in Salient > Typography > General HTMl elements


    Hope this helps.

  •  1
    Robey replied

    Hey Andrew,

    Unfortunately that didn't do the trick... Perhaps there is another type of solution for this?

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Robey,

    Could you allow us to login to your website. We going to need username and password with admin privileges.

    Also did you check the following



  •   Robey replied privately
  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Robey,

    Add the following custom css in Salient > General settings > CSS/Script related:

    #footer-outer #footer-widgets .widget h4, #footer-outer .col .widget_recent_entries span, #footer-outer .col .recent_posts_extra_widget .post-widget-text span {
        text-transform: initial !important;

    Hope this helps.

  •  1
    Robey replied

    Yes it worked! Thanks for all the effort Andrew :)