  Public Ticket #252162
Ajax page loading with other plugins


  • J started the conversation

    Hi TN,

    Loving the update! Many thanks

    I've noticed that the ajax page loading is seeming to affect the loading of another ajax component I'm using on a few parts on the site. It's just a simple slider that offers another point of access to my portfolio. While the navigation arrows display, the actual slider content isn't being pulled up when Ajax page loading is turned on. You can view a sample here:


    Would this be on the theme or plugin end?

    Many thanks!


  • J replied

    Sorry, one further thing - I've placed the Nectar slider on my front page and I'm unable to ensure it doesn't loop. I've 1) tried no command 2) loop="false" and 3) loop="" but to no avail. Am I missing something? Here's my current code (without reference to the loop)

    [nectar_slider slider_transition="fade" desktop_swipe="true" full_width="true" parallax="true" fullscreen="true" location="Home" autorotate="5000"]

    Thanks again

  •  8,956
    Tahir replied


    Seems like a plugin conflict. Please see : http://prntscr.com/45q3iy


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • J replied

    Thanks Tahir!

    I'll have a look into it at the plugin end. Also - any luck with my follow up question re slider not looping?

  •  8,956
    Tahir replied

    Hey Jon!

    Can you please provide the page url with that particular nectar slider that is looping. Also try removing the autorotate="5000" attribute from the shortcode. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • J replied

    Thanks Tahir,

    Is it not possible to have it autorotate the slides, but only until the final slide, even when loop is set to false?

  •  8,956
    Tahir replied

    Hey Jon!

    If you set the loop to false and set the autorotate it should rotate till the end only. Let us know if its not working that way. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • J replied

    Hi Tahir,

    I've set this, but it's still looping back to the beginning.

    Here's the shortcode I'm using:
    [nectar_slider loop="false" slider_transition="fade" desktop_swipe="true" full_width="true" autorotate="5000" parallax="true" fullscreen="true" location="Home"]

    Here's the address:

    Many thanks

  •  1,088
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Jon! Actually Tahir was slightly mistaken - the loop parameter doesn't effect the autorotate function, it only dictatesif the slides will loop when using the swipe or prev/next buttons. If you want it to stop at the last slide, remove this line from the nectar-slider.js file located in the js folder :)

  • J replied

    Thanks for that - am going to have a play around with this tonight; much appreciated

    I'm also curious if you have easy, recommended way to have the desktop logo change on mouse hover over? Realize this isn't something many people want / need, but if you can recommend something for the extra CSS class area, just when you have a moment, would be most appreciated

    Thanks again