  Public Ticket #2530322
Adding the Tag Description to the Tag Archive Page


  • Graeme started the conversation


    how do I add the description to the Tag Archive page, the same as it shows in the Category page, also - how do I remove the word ARCHIVES - <SITE TITLE> from the header on the tag page too?

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    There is no option to enable description in tag page.

    Add the following custom css to remove site title. Place it in Salient > General settings > CSS/Script related:

    .tag .row .col.section-title {
        display: none;

    Hope this helps.

  • Graeme replied

    Morning Andrew,

    Thanks for the reply.  I don't want to remove the whole title, just the section that says ARCHIVES - 

    For instance id my Tag was Newcastle and my site is Planet Twig, the Tag says


    Newcastle Archives - Planet Twig

    I just need it to Say 



    Which is the template file that creates the Tag Archive page?



  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Graeme,

    Use the following custom css:

    .tag .row .col.section-title .subheader {
        display: none;

    You can check the file wp-content\themes\salient\nectar\helpers\page-header.php


  • Graeme replied

    Wonderful, exactly what I needed - I was able to get the description in my Tag Archive by adding the 1 line for the tag description above the category description, and I can create my own heading within the description editor and turn the default off using the css you provided - perfect!!

    One quick question - in order to add this change to my child theme only so I don't update the core theme, what files do I need to copy to my child theme to make sure the child theme version of page-header.php is called? Just copying the 1 file doesn't enable the change in the theme, is there a hierarchy of pages I need to copy over?

    Thank you so much for the help so far!!


    <h1><?php echo wp_kses_post( $heading ); ?></h1>

    <?php if( is_tag() ) {echo tag_description();} ?>

    <?php if( is_category() ) {echo category_description();} ?>

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi Graeme,

    It is not possible through child theme at the moment.


  • Graeme replied

    Ok Thanks for the feedback Andrew, appreciated.

    Would it be possible to build this 1 line into future Salient releases?  It really helps use the functionality that's already within Wordpress and can only add benefit to the theme.

    It really allows customisation of the tag archive page and I use Tagging quite extensively

    thanks for taking the time
