  Public Ticket #253825
Event after tab Change


  • Brian started the conversation

    I am looking to add some extra coding to the theme, which would result in an event occuring after a user clicks a tab. This is to help maps load within the tabs with one of the plugins that I am using. Do you know which file I can edit to place the event code after the change in tab?

  •  9,085
    Tahir replied

    Hey Brian!

    All the relevant code can be found in "salient/js/init.js" . 

    All the Best,


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Brian replied

    Hi Tahir, 

    Thank you for helping me find the javascript file. I looked through the coding and found the "tabbed" section, but when i enter the coding, it causes the theme to break. I am attempting to use maps from the plugin "Map List Pro" within the tabs. This should also work to allow the maps from salient theme to work within tabs as well. According to the comments that I left on the plugin page on themeforest the author said,


    If a Google Map starts off hidden the API doesn’t know how many map tiles to load and you get what you’re currently seeing.

    There is a way to get the map to redraw:

    google.maps.event.trigger(MapListProMaps[0].map, "resize");

    This makes the first map redraw, but by changing the 0 you can make any of the maps redraw.

    Most tab scripts have an event that you can use to trigger this redraw – normally there is a tab index as well that can be put in place of the 0. You’d need to speak to the author of the tab script for more details on this though."

    Im not sure what ive done wrong to break the theme, but maybe you can help

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Brian!

    Here's the tabbed section you'll be modding:

    $('body').on('click','.tabbed > ul li a',function(){
    		var $id = $(this).parents('li').index()+1;
    		if(!$(this).hasClass('active-tab') && !$(this).hasClass('loading')){
    			$(this).parents('.tabbed').find('> div:not(.clear)').css({'visibility':'hidden','position':'absolute','opacity':'0','left':'-9999px','display':'none'});
    			$(this).parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type('+$id+')').css({'visibility':'visible', 'position' : 'relative','left':'0','display':'block'}).stop().animate({'opacity':1});
    			if($(this).parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type('+$id+') .iframe-embed').length > 0) responsiveVideoIframes();
    		return false;
    this is what it should be:
    $('body').on('click','.tabbed > ul li a',function(){
    		var $id = $(this).parents('li').index()+1;
    		google.maps.event.trigger(MapListProMaps[$id].map, "resize");
    		if(!$(this).hasClass('active-tab') && !$(this).hasClass('loading')){
    			$(this).parents('.tabbed').find('> div:not(.clear)').css({'visibility':'hidden','position':'absolute','opacity':'0','left':'-9999px','display':'none'});
    			$(this).parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type('+$id+')').css({'visibility':'visible', 'position' : 'relative','left':'0','display':'block'}).stop().animate({'opacity':1});
    			if($(this).parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type('+$id+') .iframe-embed').length > 0) responsiveVideoIframes();
    		return false;
