  Public Ticket #254707
portfolio lightbox video player


  • david started the conversation

    I have set up the portfolio in lightbox mode to play WP hosted videos and embedded Vimeo links. The hosted videos using the lightbox player are not displaying at a correct size.

    - if you view one of "photography" items in the top row of the portfolio you will see the issue!

    any help on changing the player size would be great!

    Thank you!

  •  1,095
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey David! If you update to the latest version of the theme that issue should sort itself out :)


  • david replied

    Ok yay!. Before I do that I've got quite a bit of custom css, a few plugins and some editied jquery on top of the theme, and I've edited a few php files as well. how will updating affect these should I just save a copy of the relevant php files changed and re-upload or re-edit after update?

    I don't want to lose all my work :) !


  •  1,095
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again! Yes - you'd need to backup the edited files in order to reapply the changes to the new files. Going forward you should probably use a child theme to store your mods to avoid the hassle when updating :)

  • david replied

    Yeah, I realised I should have used a cild theme like halfway through editing a bunch of the css / php files : / It's my first time using wordpress so a bit of a learning experience as to the best practices. I know the issue was fixed in update 4.1 from the change log.

    • Fixed self hosted video to expand full width in portfolio lightbox & remove js error

      Im totally happy to jump into the JS/CSS/PHP if you can tell me what to edit?

      If i update I'm quite sure it'll be a headache for me so if I can just fix this one issue then that is all I need and can update when I have more time to do it methodically!

      Thank you!!
  •  1,095
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey - sorry for the delay!

    The specific change that was needed for that was just adding this into the style.css

    .wp-video { width: 100%!important; }