  Public Ticket #2561583
CSS Code for Images


  •  5
    michellelamar started the conversation

    I am trying to get the images on a press page to be uniform. 

    The page is live but not visible in the website menu --I need to get the press page done ASAP. 

    For each link to media coverage I have a row of the text + an image. I can't figure out how to get the images to show in a uniform size. I've attached screen shots. I only want the CSS code to reflect this on  the press page, not other pages.

  •  3,054
    Andrew replied

    Hi michellelamar,

    Add the following custom css to page settings:

    .img-with-aniamtion-wrap[data-shadow] .hover-wrap .img-with-animation {
        height: 300px;


    Kind regards.