  Public Ticket #2564442
Headers scroll effects


  •  16
    Jen started the conversation


    I have a tricky one.

    On all the portfolios in this site I need the headers to be transparent. They are working fine... but when I scroll down the header is showing again when I hit the bottom of the page and it doesn't need to at all. It looks Awful as a transparent header over the content

    On Other pages in the site I have customised the header to include a background pattern

    ie https://rexobxoc.com/clients/staging/moorgate/investment/

    These are also working fine

    On the home page I have a different situation. I am hiding the header UNTIL scroll.  


    Currently it is working. So I do need the scroll action here.

    The issue is with the portfolios. The transparent header looks awful at the page base. It could either

    a) not show up again at the base on scroll for portfolios

    b) show up at the base on scroll but not as transparent header.

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jen,

    Use the following custom css:

    body.single-portfolio #header-outer.transparent[data-transparent-header="true"][data-remove-border="true"] {
        background-image: url(https://rexobxoc.com/clients/staging/moorgate/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Moorgate_pattern.png);


  •  16
    Jen replied
