  Public Ticket #2567650
Blog Content Width Settings


  • Veronica started the conversation


    I'm looking at the settings under Salient > Blog > Blog Content Width, and it seems like the drop down menu is only allowing me to choose a maximum of 1000px.

    I have all my blog pages set up as "in container" content, so i'd like to universally control the width of that container here in the settings.

    My hope is to manually adjust that 1000px number to be around 1200px or 1400px, whatever I feel fits the page best. 

    Is there any custom css or anything I can do to make that dropdown a manual number rather than a dropdown of a predetermined list of numbers?

    See attached image.


  •  3,109
    Andrew replied

    Hi Veronica,

    Add the following custom css in Salient > General settings > CSS/Script related:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1000px) {
       body.single-post #ajax-content-wrap .container-wrap.no-sidebar .post-area {
        max-width: 1200px;

    Hope this helps.

  • Veronica replied

    Awesome thank you!