  Public Ticket #2567682
Video Player is resizing incorrectly


  • SwankyMatt started the conversation

    Hello on the Front Page of our website we have a video player that hosts a video from youtube.  For the "Desktop" version we had 3 people take a look, and the red play button is centered way above the thumbnail for the video, and the thumbnail is extremely small.  On my computer it looks perfectly fine, but the other 3 had the same issue.  I've attached a photo of what the issue is, and how it is supposed to look (taken from my mobile device).  Just not sure what could be causing this issue as I've tried all of the different "aspect ratio" sizes, and out of ideas on what to do to try to fix this.

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Add the following custom css in Salient > General settings > CSS/Script related:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1000px) {
       .wpb_video_widget.vc_video-aspect-ratio-43 .wpb_video_wrapper {
        padding-top: 0 !important;
    .rll-youtube-player .play {
        top: 70%;

    Kind regards.

  • SwankyMatt replied

    So when I do that it makes it slightly better on my Macbook Pro, but on my Desktop it completely removes the video from the section.  I've checked all over and I cannot find anywhere if there is a "display: none"

  • SwankyMatt replied

    Ok so I tinkered around with it a bit more.  I went ahead and just installed a plugin for embedding YT videos, and it works perfectly fine with no extra CSS needed.  Thanks so much for the help with this! 

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi There,

    We are glad you found a way out.
