  Public Ticket #2589496
slides with fade transition


  • Crispy0212 started the conversation

    Hi guys, hope you're doing well

    One of the pages on my current site in development will be a 'pitch deck' to pitch a new project. 

    I'm just pondering which elements I will use to create the best effect for this. 

    I was thinking I would use a 'one-pager' demo like the product or mobile-app demo in your library, but i would like the transitions between the 'slides' (I know they are actually rows) - to be a cross-dissolve. Do you think such a thing is possible - cross-dissolving between rows, with no visual indication of 'scrolling down' at all? 

    I thought maybe the alternative is the slider such as in the http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-slider-portfolio/ but again same problem - is it likely to be achievable to not use that rotate and zoom animation effect, but rather a dissolve transition? 

    Maybe I should really just be using the Nectar slider for this? I see that has a fade transition. But as this is a pitch deck there is going to be alot of content, and I am wondering about the load time for such a large slider. There might be something like 18 slides in all.

    Also, if i was to use the nectar slider, could you tell me how to manipulate the position and appearance of the heading and caption, so that it is at the bottom of the screen, with semi-transparent background for the heading as well as the caption, so that it looked something like this? 



  •  3,045
    Andrew replied

    Hi Crispy.

    Thank you for talking to us.

    I am afraid the dissolve transition feature is not in salient at the moment. The options for transition that are in salient are as shown below:



  • Crispy0212 replied

    Thanks Andrew

    I guess i was more asking you guys to comment on viability of the various approaches I'm proposing here. 

    1. If I put it out to a developer to achieve dissolve transitions between full-screen rows on a single-page style template, is that likely to be something thats achievable, or are there fundamental structural issues about moving between individual rows on a single page that will prevent that. 

    2. Similar question for using the portfolio slider. is there anything you can foresee that would make it impossible or ineffective to try to achieve this with css or javascript or something. 

    3. If i go the other path, of building it all in a nectar slider, will it be able to manage so many slides, and will the lazy-loading option keep the performance of such slides, and the initial page load time before the slides start, to a reasonable speed and quality. 

