  Public Ticket #259160
Make parallax image or video working on iphone?


  • Alfiya started the conversation

    Hello team,

    is it possible to make working parallax image or nectar slider background working on iphone (mobile device)?

    Thank you for an advice in advance!


  •  9,086
    Tahir replied

    Hey Alifya!

    No i am afraid not. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Alfiya replied

    Hi Tahir,

    ok, then how can I setup this page on mobile device ? Because currently it's showing empty page on the phone.

    thank you!


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Alfiya! This video goes over that at 6:37 :)


  • Alfiya replied

    Hi Nectar and Tahir,

    thank you for advice!

    Ok, if I get you right, if I use the video on the page, I can replace it by image. 

    But when I use the mouse parallax, what setup should I respect. I watched your video about Mouse Parallax on youtube. But you dont mention best dimensions. I used 2500 x 1527, and Padding Top: 1500 but then on the mobile (phone) it doesnt look like in your demo (waaaay huge and impossible to scroll). Then I resized the image to 1900x1200, still looks very bad on the phone. If I dont enter Paddling Top: 1500, I just have my image as a thin line above menu and nothing on background. Please help.

    Thank you very much in advance!


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again!

    For the mouse parallax use % padding values instead of pixels - e.g. for the top/bottom padding try a value of "15%" :)

  • Alfiya replied

    Hi Nectar!

    thank you! I'm so sorry I didnt pay attention it was in % :) it looks good on the mobile now :))) 

