  Public Ticket #259361
buttons on slide: launch in new window AND/OR refresh in same window


  • Matt started the conversation


    I've been reading through some previous answers in the support section but I was unable to find an answer to this question:

    How can I add functionality to have one of the buttons on a slide launch into a new window while the other button refreshes within the same window.

    It seems like there should be an option on the slide screen to choose either of these options, but I'm not seeing it. See screengrab for reference.

    thank you,


  • Anders replied


    Would like to know the same.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Guys, you can add a class on your slide

    to get this functionality :)
  • Matt replied

    Any chance you can get more specific with the classes for these buttons so we can copy and paste into our CSS?

    much appreciated!


  • Matt replied

    Any chance you can get more specific with the classes for these buttons so we can copy and paste into our CSS?

    much appreciated!


  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey Matt!

    You have to add it here :  http://prntscr.com/5f7kp8  . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Matt replied

    Thank you Tahir.

    Just so I understand 

    1) are you saying that the following classes are already defined somewhere in the code and each class does the following?

    "external-button-1" - launches into a new window

    "external-button-2" - refreshes window

    2) That said, how do you assign one of the buttons to launch into a new window where the other button refreshes in the same window?

    thank you,

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    They are already defined and each will make the respective button open in a new window - therefore if you just wanted the first button to be an external link you'd just add external-button-1 and if you just wanted the second button to be external you'd add external-button-2


  • Matt replied

    I just tried it and entered it with each separated by a comma.  It worked.

    thank you!