  Public Ticket #262413
Disable video autoplay for nectar slider


  • Franck started the conversation

    Hi I've recently purchased salient theme on themeforest. I'm looking for a way to have a frontpage video banner but since I want to use video audio I need to disable the auto play.

    What is the best way to do that ? I saw there was another similar ticket but answer was private

  •  9,087
    Tahir replied

    Hey Franck!

    Can you please post the ticket url so i can see if a solution was posted. If not we would suggest using the Revolution Slider Premium plugin if you need such features.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Franck replied


    I'm Sorry I didn't reply earlier,  the site was local and I couldn't share a link.

    I needed a slider with youtube video and ken burn effect so I purchased this : http://codecanyon.net/item/responsive-zoom-inout-...

    I installed it and the video p[art is not working , I contacted them and they say it is coming from the theme. 

    I then tried to add a youtube video to my current regular nectar slide to have something in the meantime and it is not working either. Since both are using iframe I'm assuming these issue are conected..

    Could you have a look please , the slider url is :

    Any idea what is causing the video iframe slide not to show up and work properly ? here's a temp acess in case needed : 

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Frank!

    Unfortunately you can't use third party slides in full width content rows by default - if you wish for the slider to display full width you'd need to create a page template to embed it on through code - the plugin developer should be able to provide the shortcode or php code needed to manually place the slider within a template file :)


  • Franck replied

    HI , ok but why the iframe is not working even with the nectar slider ?

  • Franck replied

    Hi the dev of the slider is saying this :

    Hello, To include the shortcode in a template page you need to use do_shortcode() function: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/do_shortcode

    For example: <?php echo do_shortcode("[lbg_zoominoutslider settings_id='1']");?>

    Could you please help me do that so that I can get this slider working with the theme. ?

  •  9,087
    Tahir replied

    Hey Franck!

    I am afraid you will have to consult a freelancer over at Envato Studio as this task has quite a few steps so we cant facilitate with it.

    All the Best,


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Franck replied

    I have figured it out , thanks