  Public Ticket #2626728
Salient Portfolio thumbnails


  • Brad started the conversation

    After upgrading to Wordpress 5.6 and Salient 12.1.4 along with the recommended plugins, my tall & wide thumbnails appear stretched. What can be done to fix this?? They seemed to be in a square layout before the updates but now seem rectangular. I also have the SALIENT > PORTFOLIO > set to SQUARE GRID but still no love.

  • Brad replied

    This def has something to do with the "constrained fullwidth" portfolio option. When I disable to plain old "fullwidth" or stretch my window out so that it's the size of the monitor the stretching of images goes away. Id prefer to keep the "constrained fullwidth" active as I think it's a nicer look. Worked great in the past.

  •  9,059
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try adjusting this field and check: 

    6638148238.pngClick To Open Larger Image.

    Also run the regenerate thumbnails plugin to recrop any featured images that are already uploaded.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Brad replied

    Hello Tahir thanks for the reply. 

    Unfortunately it doesn't work. By turning off the crop the images are not cropped into squares creating a nice masonry grid. I have attached a few images so you can see what Im trying to achieve. The "before.jpg" Is before the update. "after.jpg" is what happened after the update. "nocrop.jpg" is with the no crop option and a regeneration of thumbs. Id like the site to look nice and clean as it was before the update. 

    I have found two work arounds that aren't perfect but may help in finding a solution. The first in the main portfolio settings change "constrained fullwidth" to "fullwidth". This works but gets rid of any white space and margins. The second work around was to place this into the custom CSS. 

     img.size-wide_tall.skip-lazy {
        height: 100%!important;

    Im no programmer and don't know how valid this statement is. The other elements in the grid don't seem to line up right after I apply thee CSS but the large tall and wide images are not squashed anymore. It seems to me like maybe there was a change in the CSS made somewhere between "constrained fullwidth" vs the "fullwidth" layouts in the latest updates.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Brad replied

    Also just realized that "before.jpg" the "constrained fullwidth" layout was limited to 4 columns. Now after the update it's 5 columns... Unfortunately there is no way to change this in the options. Not sure if this has something to do with it but might be a lead...

  •  2
    jasonkoscho replied

    Im experiencing the same issues. Any fix here?

  • Brad replied

    Not yet. Still waiting for a solution from Support.

  • Brad replied

    Tried the new 12.1.5 update released today and it doesn't fix the issue. Just a heads up.

  •  2
    jasonkoscho replied

    Same. No luck with the update.

  •  9,059
    Tahir replied


    Could you allow us to log in to your website backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more?. We are gonna need the username and password of admin user as well as the login url.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  2
    jasonkoscho replied

    I would be ok with this. please PM me

  •  9,059
    Tahir replied

    @jasonkoscho ,

    Please create a new ticket so we can look.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Brad replied privately
  • Brad replied

    On a side note I launched a new Wordpress Instance with this demo loaded and see the same issues.


  •  1,098
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Brad & Jason,

    I've located the issue, and it will be sorted in the next release. You should be able to quickly correct this from your end immediately by changing the global "Column Spacing" option from "default" to any of the px based values e.g. 40px, 50px etc.

    The option I'm referring to can be found in the Salient options panel > general settings tab. 

  • Brad replied

    This does indeed work!! Thanks so much :)

  •  2
    jasonkoscho replied

    Worked! Thanks!