  Public Ticket #264096
Icons disappearing


  • Max started the conversation


    While working on my site the nectar slider icons miraculously disappeared. Found this problem on both firefox and safari (newest versions) running on a Mac.

    In fact there is no forward or backward button visible, neither is the divider between the numbers of the images. 

    Im also not able to implent any icons into my texts, so I'm thinking something might be wrong with my font files, but I couldn't find the issue myself.

    Thanks in advance,


  •  9,092
    Tahir replied

    Hey Max!

    Seems like your mimetypes are not defined in .htaccess file . Please add these https://gist.github.com/lindsayevans/794800


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Max replied


    Added the lines included in the .htaccess section before ending the .htaccess file, but It didn't change anything. Do I need to change the other files mentioned as well?

    I added the .htaccess for further clarification.


  •  9,092
    Tahir replied

    Hey Max!

    Best would be to consult your hosting provider as it could be hardcoded via the server settings and they would know best where to change it.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Max replied


    Just mailed my web provider but they only told me that the mime types should be already defined and redefining them could help. Did that, still no solution. Working on Apache 2.2 so those commands should work although they lead to no results. They had a deeper look into it and told me that the mime type gets delivered right and also the SVG-Data is both compressed and delivered. They are getting completely different fonts shown, though.

    I compressed all screenshots in a file and added this to the message.

    Any takes on that?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Max,

    The conflict is actually with a plugin you have called flo instagram - it's adding its own font library and overwriting the Salient verion. If you deactivate that it should clear up :)


  • Max replied

    Thanks, that helped! :)