  Public Ticket #2641971
Individual HL - adjust line spacing in px


  •  3
    fuchsundwild started the conversation

    hello again,

    I`m using the Individual / custom HL component to chose the size of the letters freely. unfortunately I can`t change the line spacing in px as i found out. 

    I can ad a number (0 - X ) into the line spacing field; the system takes the size of the letters and multiply it with the number I`ve put into the field. that would work out somehow, but if i put a number which is lower than 1 the letters are cut - see screenshot.

    can you help me to make the field working with px so i can adjust the line spacing more freely, pls?

    best best 


  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi There,

    Please check this link you provided, seem not to be working http://viktoriamarx.de/work/.


  •   fuchsundwild replied privately
  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Try the following custom css:

    .nectar_video_player_self_hosted .wpb_wrapper video {
        margin-top: 25px;

    Kin regards.

  •  3
    fuchsundwild replied

    hey andrew,

    thanks for the custom css. 
    unfortunately that`s not answers my question, because it`s a more general one.

    I`m wondering why the settings of the module "individuelle headline" are working differently on my homepage and on all other pages:
    - on my homepage i can add the line spacing in px (directly in the settings of the module)
    - on all other pages I have to try a number, e.g. 1 or 1.2 etc. 

    The issue is: if the number is smaller then 1 the copy becomes cut. 

    And sometimes I would like to make the spacing smaller than 1. 

    I hope, now it`s clearer :)



  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Vicky,

    On this issue, the issue is not the line-height, but instead, the top-margin of the container with the video is set to -50px. You can change it from the page on the wp-bakery row settings and adjust the custom margin size to 0px.
