  Public Ticket #2645535
flickity static height style


  •  9
    mascauvy started the conversation

    Dear Tahir,

    1) I like the flickity static height style on desktop, but not on mobile. 

    (Also Google reports ergonomic errors because of the  small clickable arrows)

    Is it possible to keep this style for desktop only and simply have all the images showing in a column on mobile?

    2) could I have full screen pictures when clicked? (see attached screenshot)

    Please let me know thanks!

    Kind regards


  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    1. I am afraid that's not possible you can however have two different page elements and hide them based on devices: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/page-builder-columns/#hide-on-device .

    2. Try using the FancyBox Lightbox in Salient Theme Options Panel -> General Settings.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  9
    mascauvy replied

    Dear Tahir, 

    Thanks for your reply, I will try that. Is it not a problem for SEO to use twice the same content on the same page?

    Kind regards
