  Public Ticket #2662221
Icons and CTA Effects


  • Simon Bedard-Boyer started the conversation


    First: I use an Fancy box in a carousel item to display services... you have an awesome huge librairy but i need to have more specific ones.. How can i do this? Is Font Awesome the easyest and a safly way to do this ou i need to add mine in the salient folder? in this path : Salientcssfontssvg-iconsmind

    Second: I can add  to a text blog css animation but to a call to action bouton: down arrow bordered call to action text   type i can't...? 


  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Simon,

    Unfortunately, those aren't available in the FontAwesome Version being used in Salient. You can however update it using this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/font-awesome/ .  Also the Icons would need to be replaced with some custom CSS code.


  • Simon Bedard-Boyer replied

    Great! and how about CTA CSS Animation?

  •  9,059
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Unfortunately, SVG icons inside the CTA or other Page Elements can't be replaced via CSS.


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