  Public Ticket #2681813


  •  1
    reecedouglas started the conversation

    Hi Tahir,

    I’ve just noticed I can’t save any templates that I would like to repurpose for my blog. 

    Any reason why that might be? 

    Thanks in advance,

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi There,

    Thank you for writing in.

    This is a known Issue and a patch has been released. A quick fix is to press the "Enter" button on the Keyboard after writing the template name


  •  1
    reecedouglas replied

    Hi Andrew,

    I'm currently using Salient.

    I pressed enter as you suggested but unfortunately nothing happens? 

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi There,

    Please send me your admin login credentials so that we may have a closer look.


  •   reecedouglas replied privately
  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi There,

    Please update salient theme to the latest version 12.1.6 from 12.1.4 using this guide: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salient/.


  •  1
    reecedouglas replied

    Hi Andrew,

    I have put in the my token key and I get a 'Incorrect token permissions' response - see attached.

    I have also tried to download the new version from theme forest and upload it but in doing so get this response: missing style.css stylesheet - see attached 

  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Please see:http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/installing-salient-updated/ . You only have to upload the "salient.zip" file and not the whole zip package.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    reecedouglas replied

    Hi Tahir,

    How do I add some line spacing between the columns attached and change the font size? The text in questions is the 'Do you qualify' and the other two next to it. 

    Please can you provide some CSS to make this possible?

  •  1
    reecedouglas replied

    including font size please

  •  9,060
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Add this into the Custom CSS box in your Salient Theme Options panel (We write all Custom CSS in the Live Browser to ensure accuracy. If you cannot see any changes, make sure there is no red cross in the Custom CSS Box as any syntax error would cause all CSS under that line of code to not show up on the Frontend):

    .pricing-table[data-style="flat-alternative"] .pricing-column.highlight h3 {
        font-size: 28px !important;
        line-height: 31px !important;


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    reecedouglas replied

    Thanks Tahir,

    I'm also having similar issues with the following - specifically the font size (see attached).

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi There,

    Please send us the url of the specific page where this is located so that we can provide a possible css for the font size.


  •  1
  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi There,

    Please try this css:

    form label, .woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table .product-info .amount, .woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table .product-info .product-quantity, .nectar-progress-bar p, .nectar-progress-bar span strong i, .nectar-progress-bar span strong, body.material .nectar_single_testimonial[data-style="basic"] span.wrap, body.material .nectar_single_testimonial[data-style="basic_left_image"] span.wrap, .testimonial_slider:not([data-style="minimal"]) blockquote span, .woocommerce-ordering .select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__rendered, .woocommerce-ordering .select2-container .select2-choice>.select2-chosen, .tabbed[data-style="minimal_alt"] > ul li a, .material .widget .nectar_widget[class*="nectar_blog_posts_"] > li .post-title, body.material .tagcloud a, .material .widget li a, .nectar-recent-posts-slider_multiple_visible .recent-post-container.container .strong a, .material .recentcomments .comment-author-link, .single .post-area .content-inner > .post-tags a, .masonry.material .masonry-blog-item .grav-wrap a, .nectar-recent-posts-single_featured .grav-wrap a, .masonry.material .masonry-blog-item .meta-category a, .post-area.featured_img_left article .meta-category a, .post-area.featured_img_left article .grav-wrap .text a, .related-posts[data-style="material"] .meta-category a, .masonry.auto_meta_overlaid_spaced article.post.quote .author, .masonry.material article.post.quote .author, body.search-results #search-results[data-layout="list-no-sidebar"] .result .inner-wrap h2 span, .material .tabbed >ul li a, .post-area.featured_img_left article.post.quote .author, .single .post.format-quote .author, .related-posts[data-style="material"] .grav-wrap .text a, .auto_meta_overlaid_spaced .masonry-blog-item .meta-category a, [data-style="list_featured_first_row"] .meta-category a, .nectar-recent-posts-single_featured .strong a, .nectar-recent-posts-single_featured.multiple_featured .controls li .title, body .woocommerce .nectar-woo-flickity[data-controls="arrows-and-text"] .woo-flickity-count, body.woocommerce ul.products li.minimal.product span.onsale, .nectar-woo-flickity ul.products li.minimal.product span.onsale, .nectar-quick-view-box span.onsale, .nectar-quick-view-box .nectar-full-product-link a, body .nectar-quick-view-box .single_add_to_cart_button, .nectar-quick-view-box .single_add_to_cart_button, .woocommerce .cart .quantity input.qty, .woocommerce .cart .quantity input.plus, .woocommerce .cart .quantity input.minus, .pum-theme-salient-page-builder-optimized .pum-container .pum-content+.pum-close, .nectar-quick-view-box .cart .quantity input.qty, .nectar-quick-view-box .cart .quantity input.plus, .nectar-quick-view-box .cart .quantity input.minus, .woocommerce-account .woocommerce-form-login .lost_password, .woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-tabs .full-width-content[data-tab-style="fullwidth"] ul.tabs li a, .woocommerce div.product_meta, .woocommerce table.cart td.product-name, .woocommerce table.shop_table th, #header-outer .widget_shopping_cart .cart_list a, .woocommerce .yith-wcan-reset-navigation.button, .single-product .entry-summary p.stock.out-of-stock, .nectar-post-grid .nectar-post-grid-item .content .meta-category a {
        font-size: 19px!important;
