  Public Ticket #2689045
Secondary Menu: Clickable telephone number


  • riponad2 started the conversation


    i am not sure if the Salient theme supports this option, a lot of themes don't.

    But is it possible to have a ''clickable'' telephone number in the secondary menu that users can dial from a mobile device or even Skype?

    I have telephone numbers present, added as a 'custom link' but it does not allow me to add code:

    <a href="tel:+41215322520">+41 (0) 21 532 25 20</a>
    <a href="skype:[username]?[action]">Call</a>


    www.surfstr.com (see telephone numbers secondary menu) 

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Riponad,

    You can add it using the Secondary Header Menu and placing the phone number as the menu title. You will have to turn on the Secondary Menu in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Header Section. Also create a new secondary menu in Appearance -> Menu.

    Set your phone like below. Add tel: before the number



  • riponad2 replied

    Perfect, thanks Andrew