Hello, how do I implement a pop-up gallery lightbox that opens on the same page from clicking a text link?
I tried video lightbox but it will only open for a single image.
I want the same effect as by clicking on either a nectar or basic gallery, it opens up a pop-up, and then all the images in that gallery slides inside the lightbox, but from a text-link instead of the image gallery.
Is this possible with Salient, I can modify css and js but will need your guidance.
I can see that there is an on-click event to trigger the lightbox gallery in the shortcode in the gallery component, is there a way to copy that function and add it to the targeted text link? Provided that I built out the gallery somewhere else on the page.
Hello, how do I implement a pop-up gallery lightbox that opens on the same page from clicking a text link?
I tried video lightbox but it will only open for a single image.
I want the same effect as by clicking on either a nectar or basic gallery, it opens up a pop-up, and then all the images in that gallery slides inside the lightbox, but from a text-link instead of the image gallery.
Is this possible with Salient, I can modify css and js but will need your guidance.
Hi There,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Please ensure the option marked below is turned on: (Salient >General Settings > Functionality)
Hello, I don't think I explained it well enough.
Please see attached photo the effect I am after.
I assume I will have to create a gallery on another page and have the text link do the same thing when clicked just as if I click on the gallery?
Hi There,
To view the gallery options in Salient you can view our doc url: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/galleries/ .
Unfortunately, there is no particular feature which would allow you to link to text as done in the reference screenshot.
I can see that there is an on-click event to trigger the lightbox gallery in the shortcode in the gallery component, is there a way to copy that function and add it to the targeted text link? Provided that I built out the gallery somewhere else on the page.
Hi There,
This would not work out at the moment.