  Public Ticket #270626
Google Map


  • Benny started the conversation

    Love the theme!  I am having issue with the contact page, mainly the google map (Image Market).  My client's address is 450 E 96th St Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN 46240.  If you put that in google map, it will give (the google standard red image marker) https://www.google.com/maps/place/450+E+96th+St+%2....  

    When I use yours contact page setup by adding the latitude(39.928334) and longitude(-86.150497), it doesn't give me the red marker.  I also tried to use the custom image marker option, and I got the same issue, you can't see it on the map.  Is this a glitch?  Please let me know, so I can use something else.  Esthetically it is very cool, but if users coming to my client site can see where her office is located, then it's not useful. 



  •  9,087
    Tahir replied


    Please update to Salient Theme Version 4.5.21 .

    Please take a backup of your theme folder before you update so that if there are any changes made to the theme files they are not lost.
    You can update your theme by downloading a fresh copy from ThemeForest, deleting the current version you have on your server and uploading the new.
    It's recommended that you use FTP, but this also can be done with the WP dashboard if you prefer. The reason FTP is superior for this is because the theme won't have to be deactivated during the process so you won't have to reassign your widgets. If you're
    interested in keeping up to date with the latest changes and fixes, please refer to the changelog: http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html
    Also, remember to clear your browser cache after each update if you notice anything off. Old theme files can persist in your local cache and make you think something's wrong.
    Also please see this FAQ: http://themenectar.ticksy.com/faq/2252 .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Benny replied


    Before I try that route of updating the theme, I wanted to try a easy work around by embedding google maps.  My client wanted their users to be able to get directions via the google map.  I don't think your version will allow that.  Please take a look...  http://idealyouindy.com/contact-new/ , how can I make that fullwidth?  I tried insert the nectar code for fullwidth, but it didn't work.  [full_width_section bg_pos="Left Top" full_width="true" bg_repeat="No-Repeat" text_color="Light" image_url="" top_padding="50" bottom_padding="50" background_color=""].  Can you give me any suggestions?

  •  9,087
    Tahir replied

    Hey Benny!

    Please try using the Visual Composer to build the page so that there are no typing errors. 

    You can use third part google map plugins for the direction though you would need to turn off Ajax Page Transitions as that would likely cause a conflict with the third party plugin.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Benny replied

    Tahir, what is the google map plugin call?  How do Turn Ajax Transitions page?  Can I do that from the admin?

  •  9,087
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again!

    You can turn off the page transition from here : http://prntscr.com/4hqoxn . We dont have any google map plugin bookmarked though you can use any paid or free plugins that fulfills your needs. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Wim replied

    Do I really need to do a full update? If only the Google Maps marker-issue was solved, what files need to be replaced. Weary to a full updrade on a site that needs to be delivered tomorrow...


  •  9,087
    Tahir replied

    Hey Wim!

    No just update the map.js in the js folder. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team