  Public Ticket #2732366
Page Submenu Links not working


  •  4
    nereidad started the conversation


    I´m breaking my head with some mistake on a post with a Page Submenu. The anchor links not working, they´re going up, instead to the row where I´ve put the ID. I´ve done it before in a local version and it worked perfectly. 

    I have checked the configuration of the theme options and they are correct. I´ve on (Animated Anchor Links). However, I don't know where the error may be.

    Thank you in advanced for the support. I´m enjoying building web with this theme, it´s an amaizing intuitive interface.

    Nerea Díaz

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Nerea Díaz,

    Thanks for keeping in touch.

    Please try checking for plugin conflicts by deactivating the third party plugins then reactivate them back one by one to see the one that falls culprit.


  •  9,059
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Turn on "One Page Scroll Support" Feature in the Salient Theme Options Panel.

    5461793407.pngClick To Open Larger Image.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  4
    nereidad replied


    I´ve desactivated the plugings, one by one and I´ve checked but nothing change. The same happened when I´ve reactivated them one by one.

    So, I´ve created a new post in order to thoroughly test where the fault is, because during the process of creating the post, at some point they stopped working .. Just one pair of raws and the  Page Submenu Element.. I´ve visualizated the post and the Page Submenu´s links worked fine. Then I´ve started to check the setting of the page to see where the element that was causing the failure was. I realized, that I had not yet placed a Featured image and no background image for the Page Header Image. As soon as I placed the featured image the Links did not work. It also didn't work if I placed the page header image... Then I returned to check every option in the theme option again.. in order to catch the guilty. At least, I already knew that the failure had to do with some element of the Header.

    ----> In the end the error was that the option Header Hide Until Needed  located on Header Navigation/Animation Effects/ I had active. So it´s necessary to put it off, if you want to use the Page Submenu Element. Whats a pitty beacuse I love this option that made the header of your website more discreet even with the transparent header effect activated. It seems to be conflicting.

    On the other hand, thank you very much for the development of this theme, I have taken a look at the new version and will update it soon as I find the new updating to have things very interesting.

    Nerea Díaz

  •  4
    nereidad replied


    I’ve update the theme to the v.13 release and the property option: “Hide header until needed” works properly with the links in Page submenu element. I’m very satisfied with it.

    Thank you and you can close the item 

    Nerea Diaz