  Public Ticket #2736117
Table Template?


  •  3
    koma started the conversation

    I'm looking to show stylish size guides for products on the product details page and need a good old fashioned HTML table for this.

    I couldn't see any element or template in Salient builder to create a simple table, other than price tables which aren't appropriate for our case, or raw HTML.

    In Gutenberg it is super easy to insert a table block, but your theme doesn't support it - or does it?

    Many of the table plugins are either way too bloated for our simple needs, or deprecated and no longer supported.

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Koma,

    I am afraid at the moment we don't have table element, however we'll add this on our wishlist for the next update.


  •  3
    koma replied

    WP Bakery has a table add-on:


    If we buy this would it work with Salient?

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Koma,

    I am afraid this has not been tested to be working with salient and is not also part of salient wpbakery plugin.


  •  3
    koma replied

    So we have WP Bakery powering out website but we are not able to use any of their add-ons?


    (Come back Elementor, all is forgiven!)

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Koma,

    I am afraid the wpbakery addons are not compatible with salient at the moment.


  •  3
    koma replied

    OK, I'm gonna muddle through with this theme for a couple more days but I'm starting to lose the will to live - so many round trips and with no live customizer it's like trying to build a website with a blindfold on.

    I'm not even gonna ask you about Gutenberg ;-)

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Koma,

    I am sorry, you are not able to have the feature you need at the moment however salient has other amazing features which have come into being due to the demand for the features that users would mostly need. We want to assure you that we have taken this into account and is adding it to our wishlist of the coming updates.


  •  3
    koma replied

    Don't get me wrong, Salient's design aesthetic is up there with the best but by not utilising the live customizer, and being reliant on a page builder which has add-ons not compatible with your implementation, puts a massive burden on the end user.

    The real jewel in the crown in Salient, for me anyway, is your new Woo demo - so many things to like with this but I am having to hold my nose with the rest.

    On the downside, I'm not sure why the default footer for the new Woo theme is designed that way because there is absolutely no provision for important pages that would make up any typical e-commerce store such as links to: terms and conditions, privacy, shipping & returns, FAQ, track order and other customer service related pages.

    Instead, there's a massive & gimmicky text slider at the bottom of the footer that doesn't have any use at all.

    The footer is the next on our list to tackle but one of my key remits for this project is to not have to customise too much and try and get something decent working out of the box.

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Koma,

    Thank you for the positive criticism. We have taken this into account and we will take this up and work on it for a better user experience as is our main goal.
