  Public Ticket #2749170
Add required CSS for Nectar's Elements


  •  4
    Informatica Neurovilla started the conversation


    I'm having trouble with the procedure of modifying the template of the product page due to the lack of inclusion of the required CSS for certain Nectar Elements which are added through WordPress' function 'do_shortcode' and echoing its result.

    As far as I've checked, there's a class NectarElAssets which is being used for adding the required CSS styles. 

    Any tips about how should I proceed to make the usage of certain elements 'locatable' so the locate method of NectarElAssets returns true? Or is there a better way to proceed with the modification of the template of the product page?

    Thank you very much!

  •  4
    Informatica Neurovilla replied

    Solution in my case, was detecting within the WooCommerce's if conditional, whether or not the page was a single product. After that I've redirected the content to be checked to a template page I've created to be used with all the products. This solution can be enhanced by creating a system which would allow dynamic page Id assignation in order to assure the possibility of having multiple product page templates, but for now, this works.

    Ticket can be closed.