  Public Ticket #2781403
Change mobile menu


  • mike3107 started the conversation

    I cant see the option to assign a different option for mobile. As you can see there are only 2 options to select the location. 

  •  9,059
    Tahir replied


    You need to use the Off Canvas Menu and assign the Mobile Menu to that location. 

    8594913135.pngClick To Open Larger Image.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    cinghaman replied

    Hi Tahir,

    Ok so this is not really a mobile menu, as now this off canvas Hamburger shows on desktop as well, and we will need to do a CSS override to not show it on desktop/bigger screens. Unless there is some setting for it to not show on the desktop.

    The idea was to have a different desktop menu entirely and show a specific menu for mobile.

    Just a feature request to have an option to show a different mobile menu without having to do CSS tricks.

  •  1,986
    Judith replied

    Hi There,

    You should be able to see these four locations so that you assign off canvas to mobile menu and you can make it different for that matter,


    If not, then it could be by the time you were updating the theme not all files got updated.


  •  1
    cinghaman replied

    Hi Judith,

    The off-canvas menu as even stated in your description of that section https://prnt.sc/13692ba will be visible on all the viewports which defeat the purpose of having a different menu on mobile and desktop we needed a normal menu on mobile (horizontal) which had different links and totally different links in the mobile menu.

    This is what we have on desktop https://prnt.sc/13694qr (which cant be achieved with off-canvas and we need to use Top Navigation) and we are ok with it but we don't want to show all these same menu items for the mobile menu 
    where a different menu selected for mobile will work (which only is available if we switch on-off-canvas) but doing so it adds the Hamburg icon on the desktop as well.

    Which I had to hide with CSS and what it did then was created double menus when we go to smaller screen size so I had to again CSS and hide the desktop menu items for mobile and only show off-cavas) 

    Alternatively, I could have created my own mobile menu location in child theme and applied that to the header but that's what I mentioned as a feature request to make this more of an option if I turn the off-canvas on I should have the option to show it for mobile and desktop and be able to control better (Since you do have a mobile header section in settings so a possible option could a checkbox kind of thing to add a menu location there).

    But anyways we got it working for our side with CSS 


  •  9,059
    Tahir replied


    Thanks for the Detailed information. Have noted it in the Wishlist.


    ThemeNectar Support Team